Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 3 - Be a tourist

Could really feel the jet lag as I couldn't sleep til 3am. Dragged myself up at 9am and went for a touristy day in Vancouver.

North Vancouver - Lonsdale Quay Market
After 2 buses and a ferry, we reached the market in North Vancouver and fresh oysters were waiting for us.

Brother of Bakers Delight!? looks exactly the same

The small oysters were really fresh and light, but I still prefer the Coffin Bay oysters from S.A.

Large oysters were baked and tasted good.

A warm clam chowder rounded off a relaxing lunch.

The sleep demon was reaching for us after lunch.

Park in Richmond
Went back to Richmond in the arvo to visit grandpa and then strolled through a very well-manicured local park in Richmond.

Dinner - Torarenbo Japanese Restaurant
Thanks to cousin's suggestion, we went to a local Japanese Restaurant (Torarenbo) with grandma.

Atlantic (non-belly) salmon - almost as good as the "Salmon Belly" in Aus.

Wild salmon - a lot less fat, so not worth the extra $. Prefer the regular salmon.

Salmon belly - VERY VERY good!

Tiger's eyes roll - fried squid, salmon, tuna, egg, avocado.... very nice combo.

Grilled beef ribs

Grilled salmon belly

Because Mrs Chan had a Canon DSLR on hand, the restaurant might have thought that we are food critics or journalists. They gave us complimentary green tea ice cream :)

$70 for 3 ppl including taxes and tips. I think this is better value than the Jap restaurants in Sydney. AND the salmon is better here.

We used a $9 all-day transport pass and we surely got good value out of it.

Parlez-vous Anglais?
I tried to make a booking for a Paris restaurant... obviously my question was "Parlez-vous Anglais?" and to my surprise his answer was "non!!"... I said ... "OK.... Je voudrais reserver une table ...blah blah blah". It was a very satisfying feeling that he SORT OF understood my novice French, and I THINK I got the booking. hahaha... we'll see come mid-May.


  1. a seafood day hey! Try going to sleep early today to brake the jet lag cycle.

  2. Jetlag a bit better today... but it'll be a big challenge tomorrow as we have a 7am flight to take, followed by a 2 hour drive from Toronto Ap to Niagara Falls.

  3. the oyster was soooo big!!! are they real nice??

  4. The large oysters were very good, especially the baked ones, served with salt, lemon and butter. The mornays were too rich/strong for me.
