Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 2 - Vancouver, nice and relaxing

Spring time
Vancouver is well and truly in Spring. It's as warm as Sydney today, about 22C.

Lots of flowers are blooming:

Sleep in....
BIG TIME! We slept in til 1pm when my grandma knocked on my door! hahaha.... but I have 2 things to blame:
  1. Jet lag
  2. Flight Control game on iPhone. Very very addictive.

We woke up to fantastic aroma of "old school" chinese home cooking. I don't think I've had a home-cooked lunch for a long long time. What better way to enjoy than to have it prepared by a chef Grandma) with 50+ years experience.

It was a very very simple dish of stir fried chicken breast strips with baby bok choy. BUT.... it was so tasty! there was a lot of "wok hey" (air of the wok) in the chicken strips. Wonderful lunch following the feast last night.

Visiting Grandpa
Went to visit my Grandpa at the Rehab centre. The bus is interesting, they have bike racks in the front of bus.

Grandpa is looking much better than last year and the rehab is very equiped and well serviced. Nice gardens too

Went to a Greek restaurant with friends. Humongous serving sizes at low prices.

My dish - Roast Lamb - easy choice for me as lamb is prohibited at home.

Mrs Chan's Moussaka. She could only finish half of it.


  1. por por's dishes do have a strong "wok hey"!!

  2. That's quite amazing considering they only have an old electric stove. I think the key is the raw steel wok.

  3. It was not that worm in Syd! You are loosing your touch already :P

  4. So do you have the recipe for the stir fried chicken strips? :)

  5. GK... Syd was 22C on Tues, so we were on par. But the morning/nights are a lot colder here... more like 4-5C.

    Matt... you need:
    1) "Raw steel wok" - basically an uncoated steel wok from a Chinese grocery store.

    2) Just before cooking. Cut chicken into small/thin strips, marinate with a little bit of salt, a few drops of soy sauce for colour, a little bit of sugar, a little bit of corn flour. Work it through with your hands.

    3) In a medium to hot wok, put the chicken in and stir fry until golden/brown.

    4) Learn by experience :)

  6. Correction... should be Corn Starch, not Corn Flour.

  7. hi biu
    when will u be in paris? have u been to st. louis island for Berthillon ice cream? its 10 mins walk from Notre dame.

  8. biu... i'll be in Paris 8-14 May. We'll be staying in 1st arrond, so St Louis will be within reach.

    So what makes their ice cream so good? normally, i don't make special trips to ice cream places.

  9. Sorry i cannot give u a personal acct of how good it tastes or specifically what so good about it, but from the look on my friend's face i bet it should be pretty good. it looked very rich and smooth tho. give it a try if u happen to pass by the area la. :)
