Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 16 - Hilltop towns of Provence

It has been a day of lots of driving, and lots of scenic stopovers.

Red poppies. Photo is not showing the colours that well.

At the place where we took the photos of the red poppies, we bumped into a Canadian guy and he said Lourmarin is worth going. So that's where we headed for a slight detour and our lunch.

Provencale shutters

My salad with egg and hollandaise sauce. Fresh and flavourful veges and produce

Mrs Chan's beef cappacio. A refreshing, light lunch for her.

My Beef tartare


A very touristy, but deservingly beautiful hilltop town.

Afternoon tea - Tarte Tatin with a $1m view

View from our table

Fontaine de Vaucluse
The "fountain" is a natural water source that is pushed up from underground and flows down the river. A nice little village with a steep cliff backdrop.

Synchronised swimming

1 comment:

  1. sooo pretty!! i would like to come here!! wait for me!!
